Saturday 11 March 2017

It's Saturday......Time to relax and just chill........Err No!!

Shikamoo!    Ni siku nzuri sana! 
(you may wish to Google it 😎)

Just a little update from me to you about how it's all going.

Well this week has been uber busy in Uni' - and fair play because you don't get degrees free with your Frosties, do you?!?

That said I do believe that I have caught up with all my directed study...YAY! 
Well I believe I have, no doubt I will check it out and see that I have missed one item. However, for now I am relishing the thought that I am up to date. 

So, today I thought that I would do a little bit of A&P revision. They entitle it a "quiz". Makes it sound fun and kinda mysterious.....yeah right! A couple of hours later I finish it - phew. One large mug of coffee for me then ☕... another?...oh, go on then...☕spoil me πŸ˜ƒ why not?

Oh sorry, for those of you that don't know what A&P is, it's the subject of anatomy and physiologyπŸ’€πŸ‘‚πŸ‘ƒπŸ‘€πŸ‘…πŸ’“πŸ’ͺ😷.  Remember that lesson you did in school and either loved it or hated it? Yes, well this is it. Now, I happen to like it, a lot (yeah, ok its geeky) but trying to remember everything is a sod, because our bodies are complex bits of kit, with complex systems. 

Let me try and explain....

Its a bit like a brand new modern, fancy fandango car with knobs and other bits to twiddle with (behave - I saw you giggling at the back there😜). 

So, this car, you know how to drive it, fuel it, tax & insure it and get it checked for its yearly review and all that jazz. However, one peep below the bonnet and we all shrink away and seek expert help cos its all confusing with us going "what the hell is this bit for!!

Back in the day, you'd speak to the family member who knew 'a bit about cars' and they give the ol' "hmmm" and "ahhh", say what they think it is, read up in the Haines Manual and then fix it. It was a case of Bob's your uncle and Charlie's your aunt and all's right with the world; the job was a goodun'.

Now, see, the human body don't come with no Haines Manual so we student nurses have to learn A&P πŸŽ“ It will allow us to peek below the proverbial bonnet and have a bloody good idea whats going on. 
If a major fix is required, we call the mechanics - better known as doctors and/or surgeons 😎

There we go, some education for you too - good huh? 

OK, so what else has happened this week to tell you about? 

We received a freebie through the post that caused much hilarity (hang on , no I can't tell you about that's a bit risque) - it was very funny though πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

Oh yes, the 3 cats have been to the vets - all okay just their J.A.B.S. (ssshh they don't like them!)

The most important bit of the week has been replying to emails, expressing my many thanks for the donations already received. I feel it's important to say thank you for the support, kindness and generosity shown, and well, just plain and simple good manners in fairness. 

What else? 

Oh yes, of course, I spoke to my Dad as it's his birthday today (32 years old apparently!! πŸ˜‰) 


"What about elective news?" I hear you say...well...

I have received more donations this week, for my elective, with the promise of more to come. This has been both in terms of cash donations and products. People are so very kind. 

My admin has been working his little heart out, bless him, sending emails far and wide. He's very clever and no, I wont be sharing him with anyone for their elective. Sorry about that but he's mine 😊

I still have lots to do before my elective and need to get some work done for my Work the World timeline too. 

However, I think that given that I have spent almost all day on this computer, I think it could be time for...........wait for it...........COFFEE ☕...☕...☕ ....Ha! who knew?!? 

Thank you for reading my blog. 

I hope you enjoy your tea or coffee or whatever you are drinking these days. 


Karen x

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