Saturday 8 July 2017

Elective presentation

Good evening one and all.

Well it has been a busy couple of months but there is an end in sight - distant but getting closer every day.

What have I got to report to you all about? Ah yes the elective presentation I was asked to do for Uni'.

I must say that I think that it went very well in fairness. There were about 30 or so people present and ranged from 1st year students to friends and family and guests of the Uni' too.

Did anything go wrong I hear you ask? err yes....the computer didn't want to load my presentation up onto the big screen for all to see. So my lecturer suggested that I carry on and that he would have a go at fixing it.

So, me being me, started speaking to eager ears.
Years gone by I would have been passing proverbial bricks stood up there at the front of the lecture hall.
Is it wrong to say that I actually quite enjoyed it?

Anyhow, there I was, talking about something that I am looking forward to. Combine that with the prospect of observing mental health nursing in another country, experiencing a new culture, new food and new language.
It was, in the words of a late friend and colleague..🌈..."Marvellous dear, marvellous" ðŸ˜Ž

And then, as if one presentation wasn't enough for the confidence tank to be drained, I applied to the Uni' Alumni Panel. I had to then present again, with a slightly different slant on my forthcoming elective, to a panel. I chose not to reinvent the wheel and used the same background for this presentation too.

Why? mainly because I like it 😎

Having done the last one to around 30 or so people, anything less than that would be much better. I got there to find I was presenting to 2!

Needless to say I felt better knowing there were just 2 people that I had to discuss my plans with.

How long do I have to wait to hear? Well in theory it should be around a week or two, so we shall see. Apparently the alumni will email me if I have been lucky enough to receive any funding. If I am not successful, then I will have been happy to have been accepted to attempt it.

Other than those 2 little nuggets of information, there hasn't been an awful lot more to do with presenting the elective to others.

That said, once I get back, there will be oodles of things to do with it. I will be reporting back to lots of places about my time in Tanzania and naturally updating all of you with how it went.

I am planning on making a photo diary of what I did while there. Take a picture of something every day to jog my memory kinda thing. I will find that much easier than writing it all down whilst I am there.

Anyways, I will say ttfn, and yes have a coffee, and I will put further updates on here about the elective and more trials and tribulations for your ongoing entertainment.

Night night all and sleep well.
